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From Own Merchant Account to Assisted Merchant Account

Do the following steps to switch to the assisted merchant account in the configured PG:

  1. Navigate to the Sales Channel > Setting > Cart & Payments > Payments.
    Figure 1: Sales Channel Setting

  2. Click General Setting.
    Figure 2: Payments Page

  3. Click Razorpay.
    Figure 3: Clicking Razorpay

  4. Click three dots () on the upper-right side of the window.
    Figure 4: Clicking three dots (⋮)

  5. Click Credentials.
  6. Click three dots () on the upper-right side of the window.
  7. Click Switch Account.
    Figure 5: Clicking Switch Account

  8. Select Assisted Merchant Account.
  9. Click Proceed. You will be directed to the Razorpay login dashboard.
  10. Click Login to navigate to the login page of the Razorpay account.
    If you do not have a Razorpay account, click Create Account to create a new account.
    Refer to Create Account for more details.
    Figure 6: Razorpay Login Page

  11. Enter credentials to login. Here, we have selected Login.
  12. Click Authorize. The Razorpay PG gets added successfully.
    Figure 7: Authorizing to add Razorpay PG

  13. Go back to your Razorpay Payment configuration.
    Figure 8: Navigating to the Razorpay Payment Configuration

  14. Click Save.
  15. Provide your confirmation to save the changes.