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Amazon SLAs

Let's take a look at the Seller Level Agreement metrics, based on which Fynd can decide whether the store should be created, removed from the system.

Seller Scorecard

The seller scorecard provides a summary of how sellers are performing concerning customer satisfaction. It indicates whether or not the seller is meeting Amazon's fulfilment standards concerning the customer experience.

Refer to the following documents for detailed information regarding the Seller Scorecard
Seller Performance Scorecard
Seller Scorecard FAQ

SLA Metrics Summary:

Any order coming before 1:30 PM has to be scheduled and packed by 1:45 PM on the same day.
Any order coming after 1:30 PM has to be scheduled and packed by 1:45 PM on the next business day
LSR (Late Ship Rate) Threshold = 1%
CR (Cancellation Rate) Threshold = 1%
ODR (Order Defect Rate) Threshold = 1%

For more information, refer to the Order Processing and Performance Management sections in the following document to ensure that you adhere to the SLA metrics Seller Handbook (MLF Program)