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Installing Amazon Extension

To install the Amazon ES-MLF/SmartConnect extension on Fynd Platform, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Login to Fynd Platform and navigate to Extensions > Explore > Amazon.


Figure 1a: Explore Extensions


Figure 1b: Explore Extensions

  1. After confirming with the onboarding team, select the extension for the model suggested and click on Install.


Figure 2a: Install Extensions


Figure 2b: Install Extensions

  1. Enter the credentials provided by Amazon team.


Figure 3: Enter Credentials

  1. Your extension is added, you can now start mapping your products and selling locations.

The cataloging steps are the same for the Easy Ship MLF and the SmartConnect program. The difference is in the number of locations that can be mapped. SmartConnect allows for 50 locations to be added while ES-MLF has more.