Reading Listing Report
What is Seller Listing Report
It is a report that helps in tracking the listing details and status updates for the products for which the catalog was uploaded. This helps us determine whether the product is live or not.
How to access seller listing report
Login to the Myntra Seller Portal.
Select Operational Reports under Reports and Insights. Select the Store, Partner Type, and under Report select Seller_Listings_Report.
- Click on Generate Report once you have selected the details from the dropdown.
You can generate a listing report once every 15 minutes.
- Once you click on Generate Report it will be queued and the report will be generated in about 2 minutes.
You can then download the report
Understanding the Seller Listing Report
Brand: This column shows the brand of the category.
Style Status: The different letters refer to different statuses for the listings,
- P means active from catalog end, and CDL means that it is centrally delisted.
- CON means it is in the content creation stage.
- PMR means on hold at the content creation stage for additional information.
- QCR means it is rejected at the visual quality stage.
- D refers to the draft stage.
- PCR means on hold in the content creation stage for additional information.
Style ID: This refers to the Style ID of the product that was sent for listing, it is defined to identify each style separately.
Style Name: This column shows the detail of the item.
Size: This column shows the size of the item.
Seller SKU: This is the stock-keeping unit of the product. It defines the variation within a style based on size.
SKU ID: It is the unique ID that shows the brand and style of the product and ends with the serial number.
VAN: This column refers to the vendor article number and we can check the article detail of the vendor.
MRP: This column shows the selling price of the product.
Is Active: Here we can check if the product is active or not. 1 meaning the product is live.
Listing Status: This column shows whether the product that was cataloged is active or not from the previous day to the day the report was pulled.
Only styles with status as P, Is Active status as 1 and Listing Status as A will be live.
For more information, watch Understanding Seller Listing Report.