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Create Single Listing

For Single Listings:

  1. Login to the Flipkart Seller portal and Navigate to My Listings.

  2. Select Add New Listing from the dropdown and click Add a Single Listing.


Figure 1a: Listing Management Page


Figure 1b: Add Single Listing

  1. Select the Vertical, in this example, we have selected Clothing > Formal Wear > Shirt (you can select any category).


Figure 2: Select Vertical

  1. Select the brand.


Figure 3a: Select Brand


Figure 3b: Select Brand

  1. Enter product specifications and upload images.


Figure 4: Add Product Info

  1. Enter all the required field details for Price, Stock, Shipping Information and Product Description.


Figure 5a: Add Mandatory Fields


Figure 5b: Add Mandatory Fields

  1. After entering all the details, click on Send to QC.

  2. You can Navigate to Listings > Track Approval Requests to view the status. After the listing is approved, it will be available under Listings > My Listings.