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Image Guidelines


These are the guidelines that must be followed when uploading images to the product catalog.

Generic guidelines

SizeThe image must be smaller than 10000 pixels
Aspect RatioImages must be larger than 500 pixels on its largest side and 1000 pixels or larger on at least height or width
ResolutionImages must have over 72% dpi resolution
FormatJPEG is the preferred format for images, other acceptable formats are TIFF (.tif) and GIF (.gif) (animated GIFs are not allowed)
BackgroundA white background is mandatory for the main images
Subjective GuidelinesImages must not contain any objectionable or offensive material
Basic GuidelinesThe image must contain the intended product. All the product’s features must be clearly visible and in focus
TagsThe product must be out of its packaging and not contain any tags. Boxes, cases or packaging must not appear unless they are part of the feature
FrameThe product must fill 85% of the image frame
ShadowsThe product must contain natural shadows to show depth
QualityThe image must not be out of focus, blurry, cropped or pixelated
Main ImageThe main image must not contain multiple views of the same product
Subjective GuidelinesInfringement not allowed in the image i.e. Usage of the image without permission/license or identical recreation of image

Apparel guidelines

MannequinThe product must not be on a mannequin except for stockings or socks
PositionThe model in the image must be in a standing position

Footwear guidelines

  • Image must contain a single shoe facing left at a 45-degree angle

For more information regarding image guidelines, visit Image Requirements