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Create Collections

How to access on Fynd Platform


On Fynd Platform, you can make it easier for customers to find products by creating a collection. You can organise and group certain products to show on your website. Example:

  • Men's shirts under ₹1000
  • Summer Collection
  • Sneakers with 60% discount
How to create collections

How to create Basic Collections?

  1. Choose the Basic Collection option present under Collection Type.
  2. Choose the filter option from the dropdown. For e.g., Department, Category, Size, etc.
  3. Choose condition operator. For e.g., Equal to.
  4. Click on Select to add multiple values to the filter. For e.g., you can select multiple Departments like Beauty & Personal Care, Fashion, etc.
  5. Click on Save.
  6. Click on +Add Condition to add another condition/filter option. Repeat steps 2 to 4.
  7. Add SEO information and save the changes. Click here to learn more.

In this way, all the products that meet the above condition(s) will be listed. You can view these products by clicking on View products.

Scenario: If you add conditions where Department=Beauty & Personal Care, Category=Lipstick, and Primary Colour=Brown, then all the products that belong to the above department, category and primary colour will be listed and added to the collection.

How to create Handpicked Collections?

  1. Choose Handpicked Collection option present under Collection Type.
  2. Click on Add products. Here, you will get a list of all products available in your Fynd Platform catalogue.
  3. Search product in Type to search searchbox either by its name or item code.
  4. Tick the checkbox to add product to the collection.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add multiple products to the collection.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. Choose option under Preferred Sort to sort products in the collection on your website.
  8. Add SEO information and save the changes. Click here to learn more.

Adding SEO Information

Fynd Platform allows you to add SEO information to every collection you create. Add a title and description that should be visible in the search engine results when people search for your collection. Alternatively, you can use AI-powered (Artificial Intelligence) Generate or Generate Using Custom Keyword options to create title and description automatically.


Figure: Editing Website SEO