Product Return
How to access on Fynd Platform
Using Product Return configuration, you can set up a return window at different levels for your products.
Steps to set up Product Return Configuration
Go to Settings section of your sales channel.
Click Product Return.
Select the level at which you would like to set the return window for products returned by customers.
Product Level - Choose this option to set an acceptable return window (in days or hours) while editing/creating a product.
Category Level - Please watch the video to configure this option.
Video: How To Set Up Product Return Configuration At Category Level - No Return - Upon choosing this option, no products or categories of products will be eligible for returns.
Read the message in dialogue box carefully and click Continue.
Here, your configuration will be saved successfully.
- By default, a Product Level option is selected.
- Suppose you are switching from a No Return option to a Category Level option. You are now setting up a return window for different categories (for example, Jeans, T-Shirts, and Formal Shirts) at the Category Level. Once you save this configuration, any products that DO NOT belong to these categories will not be eligible for returns.