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Audit Trail

How to access on Fynd Platform

All the modifications that happen in your Fynd Platform account are available to you in the form of a log, also known as Audit Trail. Such a trail helps you to discover who did a particular change, where, and at what time. Moreover, it helps you pinpoint the exact source of a problem in case someone unsolicitedly does something unexpected within your account.

Purpose of the Audit Trail:

  • It provides a clear view of how data has changed over time, enabling version tracking and rollback if necessary.
  • The audit log helps in understanding who made what changes, when, and why, ensuring transparency.
  • It offers detailed field-level tracking of changes, highlighting exactly what was modified.

The main screen of the audit trail has a list of all the modifications done to your account. You get the following filters for swiftly finding any trail/log:

  • Date Range: This dropdown allows users to filter actions based on a specific date range.
  • Sales channel - Find all the modifications done within a sales channel (the websites you've added to your business account).
  • Entity Types - Find all the modifications made to a particular entity, such as collection, themes, business document, subscription, domain, payout, and many more.
  • Action Type: Sellers can further filter the log by the type of action (e.g., updates, deletions, or creations).
  • Entity ID: This field allows the seller to search for logs or actions related to a specific Entity ID. Entities can refer to various objects within the system, such as collection, themes, business document, subscription, domain, or payout. Each entity typically has a unique ID for tracking.
  • Email/Phone Number: This field allows the seller to search logs based on an email address or phone number associated with a specific seller or action.

The audit trail table has following information:

  1. Date & Time: The date and time when the event or action took place.
  2. Event Details: The type of entity affected by the action, such as a Brand, User, or Company.
  3. Action Type: The action that was performed such as Update or Plan Update.
    Update indicates changes made to an existing entity (e.g., updating brand details).
    Plan Update signifies changes made to a company’s plan or subscription details.
  4. User Detail: The seller who performed the action, with their email provided for further identification.
  5. Description:A brief description of the action. For instance, for a brand update, it may note that specific fields such as "modified_on" or "description" were updated.


Figure 1: Audit Trail Main Screen

On opening a trail, you'll get the following sections:

Audit Details

Event: This section shows the main event being tracked. In this case, the event is related to a Brand update. Date & Time: The time when the event was performed. ID: The brand entity being updated is identified by ID. Action Type: The action performed was an Update, signifying that the details of the brand were modified. Device Info: Displays details about the device or browser used when the action was performed, with more details available.

History Section

This section provides a timeline of events related to the entity being viewed, allowing the seller to see different versions or updates made over time. For example, here a prior update to the brand occurred on August 21st, 2024, at 06:55 PM where a Brand Update occurred at this time.

Change Log

This section details the specific fields that were modified during the selected event. It shows both the previous and updated values, allowing sellers to track the changes in detail.

  • Path:The path indicates the entity type that was changed. In this case, it’s the brand entity.
  • Fields Modified: The timestamp of when the entity was modified, what was modified and when the change was verified.


Figure 2: Audit details

Payload View

The payload view displays the specific changes made between different versions of content or configuration files. Each version highlights the modified sections, showing exact lines of code or text that were altered.


Figure 3: Payload details