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Efficiently handle your orders on the Fynd Platform App with ease. Learn to navigate the Order Management System (OMS) effectively with the following steps:

Select a Store

  • Click Store icon to choose a specific location if you're handling multiple locations, such as Homo Shopiens.


Figure 1

Choose Your Preferred View

Click the dropdown arrow to select between ‘Shipment’ and ‘Manifest’ as your preferred view. Then, click Submit to apply your choice.

  1. Search Orders: Need to find a specific order? Click search icon and enter either the Shipment ID or Order ID. You can also explore additional search options by clicking on ‘Search Type.’
  • Search Type Options: Choose from various filter types to search for orders efficiently, including Auto, Shipment ID, Bag ID, Order ID, External Order ID, and more.

Order Status Categories

  • Within Fynd Platform's OMS, orders are categorised for your convenience:
    • All: Displays all orders assigned in the selected location.
    • New: Check out ‘new orders’ details here.
    • Confirmed: View confirmed orders.
    • To Be Packed: Access detailed information about orders waiting to be packed.
    • Return Delivered: For handling return orders

Filter Orders

Click Filter to narrow down the order details:

  • Set a date range for specific timeframes.
  • Pick a sales channel.
  • Choose a delivery partner.
  • Filter by shipment status, dispatch time, and payment type.

You can use these filters individually or in combination for tailored results.

Order Details

  • When you open an order from the list, you'll find valuable information, including:
    • Customer Note: Displays any special requests made by the customer, such as “Add a ‘Happy Birthday’ note.”
    • Order Information: Shows Order ID, Order Value (e.g., ₹7510.00 – Prepaid), and the date and time of the order placement (e.g., Sep 13, 2023, 01:08 PM).
    • Order Store Information: Provides details about the store, including store code, store ID, store name, store tags, contact information, and location.
    • Shipping Details: Lists the recipient's address for the order.
    • Billing Details: Displays the billing address, typically the same as the shipping address.
    • User Details: Shows the name, contact number, and email ID of the person who placed the order.

Shipment Details

  • Within each order, you'll find comprehensive shipment details, including:
    • Shipment Information: Displays the Shipment ID and Shipment Value (e.g., ₹7499.00 – Prepaid).
    • Packaging & DP Details: Offers insight into the estimated delivery partner, estimated shipping charges, and more.
    • Fulfilment Details: Highlights the selling location of your company where the order was placed.
    • Invoice Details: Provides information about the order invoice.
    • Delivery Details: Offers specifics about shipment delivery, such as AWB, tracking URL, delivery partner, and turnaround time.
    • Price Breakup: Breaks down the pricing components, including MRP, discount, coupon value, promotional discounts, COD charges, and the total charge.
    • Shipment Tracking: Displays the shipment's journey, indicating stages such as Place, Confirmed, DP Assigned, Packed, In Transit, Out for Delivery, and Delivered.

Shipment History

  • Keep tabs on all activities related to the shipment:
    • Track operations performed by you, displayed in chronological order.
    • Access call records, emails, and SMS interactions with the customer who placed the shipment.
  1. Activity Logs: Selecting ‘Activity’ will show the status, email & SMS history, and call recordings associated with the shipment.

With these simplified steps, efficiently managing your orders on the Fynd Platform App becomes a seamless process