Multi Location Manager
Selling locations are physical stores where you can manage the inventory. Your company can have one or more selling locations depending on business type. This extension helps you create multiple selling locations on Fynd Platform, conveniently in less time. Moreover, at any point, you can use the same CSV file to update the details of one or more selling locations. Thus, Multi Location Manager Extension proves to be an integral tool while setting up and managing your online business.
Once you have installed this extension, it will be available in the Extensions section on Fynd Platform.
Adding New Locations
Choose a sample file from the dropdown in Choose Sample File Type field (Refer Figure 1). Here, we have selected Excel file.
Click Download button.
Figure 1: Clicking Download Button Save the sample file in desired location on your system.
Open the sample file.
Figure 2: Sample File noteSample file contains green-coloured and white-coloured fields. Green-coloured fields are mandatory whereas while-coloured fields are optional. But, we recommend that you provide values for non-mandatory fields as well.
File contains following fields that are explained below.
- Location code - Provide unique code to your selling location. For e.g., CYK-101
- Location name - Provide suitable name for selling location. For e.g., Camway Mall
- Display name - Provide name that should be displayed on product description page. This field is optional.
- Location type - Select a suitable value from dropdown. Available options are High Street, Mall and Warehouse.
- Country - Enter a country name.
- State - Enter a state name.
- City - Enter city of your selling location.
- Address - Provide correct address in Address 1 and Address 2 fields. Address 2 is optional.
- Landmark - Provide landmark that is close to your selling location. For e.g., Opp. SBI Bank. This field is optional.
- Pincode - Enter the pincode of area.
- Latitude - Enter the exact latitude of your selling location by using google map.
- Longitude - Enter the exact longitude of your selling location by using google map.
- Phone no's country code - Provide country code of your phone number. For e.g., you can enter 91 as a country code if your mobile number belongs to India.
- Phone number - Enter the 10-digit mobile number.
- Document type - Select document type from dropdown. For e.g., GST. This field is optional.
- Document number - Enter a document number. For e.g., 15-digit alphanumeric number printed on your GST certificate. This field is optional.
- Document legal name - Enter the name present on your legal document. This field is optional. For e.g., ITC India Private Ltd.
- Document file URL - Provide a link where you have store a soft copy of the legal document. This field is optional.
- Location manager's name - Enter the manager's name of your selling location.
- Location manager's email - Enter the manager's email ID.
- Location manager's phone no's country code - Provide country code of the manager's phone number. For e.g., you can enter 91 as a country code if mobile number belongs to India.
- Location manager's phone no - Enter the 10-digit mobile number of the manager.
- Opening time - Enter the selling location's opening time in HH:mm format as per 24-hour clock. For e.g., 10:30.
- Closing time - Enter the selling location's closing time in HH:mm format as per 24-hour clock. For e.g., 19:30.
infoIf your selling location has closing time at 07.30 PM, please enter 19:30 in sample file as per 24-hour clock.
Fill details about selling locations (up to column 'W') in the sample file.
Figure 3: Filling In Selling Location Details Click here to configure the settings before filling in timing details from column 'X' to 'AK'.
Save the file.
Click Upload CSV File.
Figure 4: Clicking Upload CSV File Button Select the saved file and click Open.
Figure 5a: Open the File Your selling locations are being processed. Please wait until its status changes from PROCESSING to COMPLETED.
Figure 5b: Status Processing Figure 5c: Status Completed Sometimes, selling locations contain errors due to which processing gets failed. These errors are highlighted in Locations with Errors tab. For e.g., Closing timing is mentioned as 04:30 instead of 16:30 (Not as per 24-hour clock).
Figure 5d: Locations with Errors You can correct the fields as per highlighted errors and reupload the sample file again.
Go to Profile section (Refer Figure 6) in Fynd Platform. You will see the number of selling locations that are unverified.
Choose Pending option from dropdown present in Choose Stage filter. You will get a list of sales channels that are in Pending stage of verification.
Figure 6: Unverified Locations Click a particular sales channel widget. You will see list of errors due to which its verification is pending.
Figure 7: Errors in Selling Location You can scroll down to see highlighted errors. For e.g., GST doesn't match with the company PAN.
Correct the errors that are highlighted in step 12 and click Save.
Figure 8a: Clicking Save Button When all the errors are resolved, the status of your selling location should change from PENDING to VERIFIED.
Figure 8b: Status Verified infoSometimes, the address might have an issue even after the selling location gets verified. In such a case, you can connect with Fynd Platform's verification team on
or call on+91-8767087087
.In this way, your selling locations have been successfully added to your company on Fynd Platform.
Figure 8c: Selling Locations on Fynd Platform
Editing Existing Locations
Choose Locations option from the dropdown in Purpose field (Refer Figure 9).
Figure 9: Choosing Locations Option Choose location type from the dropdown in Choose Location field (Refer Figure 10). Here, we have selected option Mall.
Figure 10: Choosing Location Type Click Download button.
Figure 11: Clicking Download Button Save the CSV file in desired location on your system.
Open the saved file. Here, we will be editing the address details for selling locations 'Camway Mall' & 'Galway Mall' (Refer Figure 12a).
Figure 12a: Details of Selling Locations Figure 12b: Existing Address Details Edit the address details for selling locations. Here, we have updated Address 1, Address 2, Pincode, Latitude, & Longitude fields for sellling locations 'Camway Mall' & 'Galway Mall'.
Figure 13: New Address Details Click Upload CSV File.
Figure 14: Clicking Upload CSV File Button Select the saved file and click Open.
Figure 15a: Open the Edited File Your selling locations are being processed. Please wait until its status changes from PROCESSING to COMPLETED.
Figure 15b: Status Processing Figure 15c: Status Completed Search for selling location on Fynd Platform panel. Let us verify if address details for selling location 'Camway Mall' are updated or not.
Figure 16a: Search Location on Fynd Platform Figure 25 represents the updated address details for selling location 'Camway Mall' are reflected onFynd Platform.
Figure 16b: New Address Details cautionYou can update opening and closing timings of selling location(s) in CSV file. But, if particular day (For e.g., Sunday) is already disabled in Fynd Platform and for which you are updating timings, then it will remain disabled in Fynd Platform.
In this way, you can edit details of multiple selling locations on Fynd Platform by using this extension.
Microsoft Excel Settings
Select all the cells spanning from column 'X' to 'AK' (Refer Figure 17).
Right-click on the selected cells.
Click Format Cells.
Figure 17: Clicking Format Cells Option Select Text option under Number tab (Refer Figure 18).
Click OK.
Figure 18: Clicking OK Button In this way, you have set text formatting to the timing fields of the sample file. Now, you can continue following step 7 in section Adding new locations.