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Modern Price Ladder


Whenever a customer purchases more quantity of a product, the seller benefits from such a transaction primarily due to 2 reasons:

  1. Logistics and packaging costs incurred for sending 'n' quantity of products to a single customer are less than the costs incurred while sending 1 quantity of product each to 'n' customers.
  2. The seller can restock the inventory quicker when products/articles are sold in bulk quantity.

To promote bulk purchases (seen commonly in B2B transactions), sellers can pass on the benefits to their customers by reducing the product prices as per the quantity added to their cart. In short, the more a customer buys, the lesser the price.


Once you have installed this extension, it will be available in the Extensions section on Fynd Platform.

Ladder Pricing

Modern Price Ladder helps you to set different prices based on the quantity. There are 2 ladder types:

Fixed - If you’re selling a packet of wafers for ₹50, you may allow a customer to purchase 5 quantities for ₹45 each, thus giving a discount of ₹5 per packet. And you can sequentially add steps to the ladder, for e.g. 10 quantities for ₹40 each, 30 quantities for ₹35 each, and so on.

Percentage - If you’re selling a cake for ₹500, you may allow a customer to purchase 2 quantities for a 10% discount. And you can sequentially add steps to the ladder, for e.g. 3 quantities for 15% discount, 4 quantities for 20% discount, and so on.

How to use Modern Price Ladder

  1. Once you have installed the extension, choose the sales channel (website) where you want to show the ladder prices.


    Figure 1: Selection of Sales Channel

  2. You can view the existing list of ladders you created. However, this list will be blank if you're creating a ladder for the first time. Click Create New to prepare a new ladder.


    Figure 2: Ladder Listing

  3. Give a name to the ladder, and download the sample CSV file.


    Figure 3: Ladder Creation

  4. The sample file will contain prefilled data for your reference. Delete all the data.


    Figure 4: Sample File

  5. You need to change the data type of the first column to string/text. Select the entire first column and right-click.


    Figure 5: Changing Data Type of Seller Identifier

  6. If you are using MS Excel, choose Format Cells.


    Figure 6: Format Cells in MS Excel

  7. Choose Text. This will consider all the data in the first column as a string/text.


    Figure 7: Choosing Text as the Data Type

  8. Here is the format of a 4-step fixed ladder.


    Figure 8a: Fixed Ladder with 4 Prices

    • The first column seller_identifier contains the unique seller identifier of the product to which we are applying the ladder price. You can get the seller identifier from your product on Fynd Platform as shown below.


      Figure 8b: Locating Seller Identifier

    • The second column description contains the product name. You can write any description of your choice.

    • The third column ladder_type contains the type of ladder you wish to create. Acceptable values: fixed or percentage.

    • The fourth column min_qty contains the minimum quantity of the product that the customer should have in the cart to avail the ladder price.

    • The fifth column ladder_price contains the new price applicable to the product if the customer has added the quantity as specified in the min_qty column to the cart.

    • The sixth column is_active accepts boolean values such as true or false. This column is for specifying whether the product is eligible for ladder pricing or not. This is especially useful if you want to eliminate a product from an ongoing promotion by reuploading the CSV file and setting the is_active field to false.

    Here, we have also shown what a 4-step percentage ladder looks like.


    Figure 8c: Percentage Ladder with 4 Prices

  9. In this example, we have created a 4-step fixed ladder for a product, and a 4-step percentage ladder for another product.


    Figure 9: Fixed + Percentage Ladder for 2 Products


    You can add as many steps in the ladder. The ladder prices will be applied to the MRP, and the existing selling prices in the inventory will not be considered.

  10. Upload the file.


    Figure 10: CSV File Upload

  11. Now it's time to add the selling locations. Ladder prices will be shown on the website only if the pin code of the customer is serviceable by the selling locations added by you.


    Figure 11: Adding Selling Locations

  12. Choose the selling locations from the ones you have added to your business account.


    Figure 12: Choosing Selling Locations

  13. Next, schedule the validity of the ladder pricing. Beyond the end date, the ladder pricing won't be available.


    Figure 13: Duration of Ladder Promotion

    • You can change the end date of an existing ladder pricing.
    • You can add or remove products from an ongoing ladder promotion
  14. Save the configuration.


    Figure 14a: Saving the Configuration

    Your ladder will be validated before creation.


    Figure 14b: Validating the Ladder

  15. Your new ladder will show up on the list.


    Figure 15: New Ladder in the Listing

  16. On your website, your customers would be able to view the ladder prices.


    Figure 16a: Fixed Ladder for Product 1


    Figure 16b: Percentage Ladder for Product 2

What to do if the validation fails?

If the file contains any discrepancy the upload would fail (as shown below) during the validation phase (see step no. 14)


Figure 17: Validation Failed
  1. Click the failed ladder promotion from the listing.


    Figure 18: Ladder Listing

  2. There will be an option to download the response CSV file. It contains the possible reasons for failure.


    Figure 19: Downloading the Response CSV


    Response CSV is not only available for failed ladders but also successful ladders.

Common reasons

Reason 1: Ladder conflict - This means that the product is part of some other ladder promotion. We recommend you remove the product from the ladder promotion you have created, or you may deactivate the previous promotion containing the same product.


Reason 2: Item not found - This means that the product doesn't exist or the seller identifier might be incorrect.


Reason 3: Invalid ladder-type - The value in the ladder_type column is incorrect. Valid values are fixed and percentage.

Reason 4: Invalid percentage - In the case of percentage ladder type, the value in the ladder_price column should be less than 100.

Finally, you may fix the issues in the original file and reupload it.