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Using Bulk Path Redirection


Fynd Platform already provides a provision to allow users redirect visitors from old URLs to new ones, for entire domains or specific paths.

How to access on Fynd Platform

However, Fynd Platform has come up with a new provision of ‘Bulk Path Redirection’ extension allow users to define a large number of URL redirects for their account, making it easy to redirect multiple paths at once. These redirects navigate users from a source URL to a target URL using a specific HTTP status code.

Updating outdated page URLs can be a hassle, and broken links can negatively impact user experience and SEO. This extension saves users time and effort in updating each path redirection individually.

Steps to use Bulk Path Redirection Extension:

  1. To access Fynd Platform's Extensions, navigate to the Extensions tab.


Figure 1: Extensions Section

  1. Click on the Bulk Path Redirection extension.


Figure 2: Bulk Path Redirection Extension


After installation of this extension, it will be listed and available here.

  1. Choose the sales channel that you prefer. Here, ‘HK Fashion Hub’ is our testing sales channel.


Figure 3: Selecting Desired Sales Channel


Once you select your preferred sales channel, the Bulk Path Redirection extension will provide you with the option of ‘Import file’ to add path redirections in bulk, which will contain three steps provided below:

  • Download the CSV file to from the Download button.
  • Access the downloaded CSV file and apply path redirection.
  • Once all the required fields are filled, upload the updated CSV file.


Figure 4: Import file

  1. Adding Bulk Path Redirection.

STEP 1: Click the Download button to download the CSV file.


Figure 5: Download CSV file

STEP 2: Access the CSV file that you downloaded in the previous step and proceed with the following instructions to add path redirection.

  • Enter the domain name.
  • Input the path of the domain you want to redirect.
  • Input the path of the domain you want to redirect to.


Figure 6: Sample CSV file


In the below image, we have added the path of the domain we want to redirect as ‘/collections’, and the path of the domain we want to redirect to as ‘/categories.’


Figure 7: Updated CSV

STEP 3: Once all the required fields have been filled, upload the updated CSV file.


Figure 8: Uploading CSV file

STEP 4: Once you upload the updated CSV file, you will be able to see redirection file in the ‘Bulk Operation History’ section.


Figure 9: Bulk Operation History

STEP 5: Upon completion of the download process of the redirected file, the user shall be able to visually confirm the successful redirection status within the file.


Figure 10: Redirection status

  1. Final Output

Finally, when we click on the collections tab, it is seen that the URL path "" has been effectively redirected to "", as shown in the Before and After images below for comparison.


In the same way, bulk path redirection is possible for users.


Figure 10a: Before Redirection


Figure 10b: After Redirection

Limitation: Bulk deletion of paths is not supported.


Combining path and domain redirection allows for the redirection of an old custom/prefined domain with an outdated path to a new custom/predefined domain with a new path. For instance, can be redirected to