Advanced Collection
With the Advanced Collection Extension, you can add or remove tons of products from your handpicked collections. It is not necessary to search and select each product one by one in the UI, just upload a CSV and let the extension handle it.
Steps to use Advanced Collection Extension
Go to Extensions in Fynd Platform.
Figure 1: Extensions Section Click Advanced Collection extension.
Figure 2: Advanced Collection Extension noteOnce you have installed this extension, it will be available in the list here.
Select desired sales channel. Here, we have selected 'playclanbilling'.
Figure 3: Selecting Desired Sales Channel Click Create Collection.
Figure 4: Clicking Create Collection Button Fill the details appropriately.
Figure 5: Advanced Collection Details - Icon - Upload image as icon of your collection. The supported file format is PNG or JPEG with aspect ratio of 1:1. For e.g., if the width of the image is 250 px, its height should be 250 px too. Alternatively, you can also upload image URL.
- Name - Enter name for your collection. For e.g., August Lipcare Fashion, Summer Styles, etc. This will be displayed on your website.
- Slug - Enter value that will be visible in your collection's URL. For e.g., summer-styles. It's a user-friendly and human-readable part of the URL for your collection.
- Description - Write a brief description (within 150 characters) about the collection you're creating.
- Tags - (Optional) Add tags to your products. These are keywords that help in quickly searching a collection in the back-end.
- Potrait Banner - Add a vertical image having an aspect ratio of 13:20. For e.g., if the width of the image is 130 px, its height should be 200 px.
- Landscape Banner - Add a horizontal image having an aspect ratio of 27:20. For e.g., if the width of the image is 270 px, its height should be 200 px.
- Save - Upon clicking this button, your collection details will be saved.
Select the desired template from dropdown.
Figure 6: Selecting Desired Template noteIf multiple items exist in the catalogue with the same item code, please use the Item UID template instead of the Item Code template to identify the record uniquely.
Click Sample Download button.
Figure 7: Clicking Sample Download Button Save the sample file in desired location on your system.
Open the sample file. File contains following fields that are explained below.
Item UID - This can be found in exported products in Fynd Platform. It is present under column name 'UID' in exported product file. Click here to learn how to export products in Fynd Platform.
Action - Enter 'add' to add products to your collection. Also, you can enter 'remove' if you wish to remove products from the existing collection.
cautionOnly 'add' and 'remove' values are allowed in Action column. An error will occur if you fill it with values other than these.
Save the file.
Click Upload file to upload the saved file.
Figure 8a: Clicking Upload File Button Your collection is being generated. Please wait until its status changes from PROCESSING to COMPLETED.
Figure 8b: Status Processing Figure 8c: Status Completed For understanding more about Collections, please read document Create Collections.
Final Output
Now, visit the sales channel, and you will see that the collection is visible on your website.