Google Shopping Center
The Google Shopping extension serves as a way for seamlessly delegating inventory and product listings from sellers on the Fynd Platform to their respective Google Business Accounts.
Google My Business (GMB):
GMB helps businesses display and update product information, boosting visibility on Google Search and Maps.
Google Merchant Center (GMC):
GMC is a central hub for managing inventory and promoting products on Google platforms like Shopping and Ads. Fynd connects GMB accounts to GMC, acting as a bridge for accurate inventory transfer from physical stores to online platforms.
Google Shopping Center Extension:
This extension, using GMC APIs, supports sellers with comprehensive product listing and inventory management. It streamlines processes, ensures real-time inventory integration, and simplifies tasks for GMC sellers, improving data synchronization and reducing manual efforts.
Brand Setup at Fynd
- Brands link their Google My Business account within the Google Shopping Center Extension by logging in with their credentials.
- Post the successful login, they can perform product listings and manage inventory updates via Google Shopping extension on the Google Shopping Platform.
Visibility on Google:
- Products listed on Google's My Business account become visible in Google's shopping section.
- For example, if a user searches for 'red top celio,' all Celio product listings (available in Google Business Account) will appear in the shopping section listed as Red color.
- The Google Shopping Center Extension aims to enhance visibility by showcasing the seller's inventory and brand listings on the Google Shopping Center.
Advantages of Pushing Inventory to Google Shopping
By pushing inventory to Google Shopping, products meeting specific criteria receive prominent placement in relevant searches.
For example, pushing Celio's inventory to Google Shopping ensures that products with positive inventory or meeting certain criteria are prioritized in Cello-related searches.
Steps to use Google Shopping Center Extension
Log in to the Fynd Platform.
Go to the Google Shopping Centre extension.
Figure 1: Google Shopping Centre Extension In the Settings page, enter the credentials to log in with Google.
a. Google Merchant ID:
- This unique identifier is crucial for linking your Fynd Platform to Google Shopping Center extension with your Google Business Account. Before login, please ensure that the Google My Business’ account is linked with FYND’s Google Merchant Center Account. Otherwise, the login will fail and it will show an invalid merchant ID error.
- Merchant ID refers to a unique identifier assigned to each Google My Business account.
b. Domain: Enter the domain name of your brand's website (e.g.,
c. Sales Channel: Seller can select the required sales channel.
d. Brand: Select the brand. The brands listed here are fetched from the sales channel. Sellers can select multiple brands.
e. Inventory Configurations: Quantity Sync: Automate quantity synchronization with Google Merchant Center to Google My Business Account. This ensures the inventory is updated from the Fynd extension to the seller’s Google account linked to the specific merchant ID.
Figure 2:Login Credentials Click Save. The merchant account is successfully created and ready for use. Sellers have the flexibility to create multiple merchant accounts as per different brands or specific needs. Each account created operates independently of others, ensuring distinct management and control.
Toggle the Active button to enable the extension.
Currently, the extension supports inventory syncing and not listing updates.
Selling Locations
This feature will help the seller to map their Google My Business selling locations with FYND selling locations. If a correct value is not provided in Google's Store ID field, the entire inventory for this store ID will fail. The following details for the selling locations are visible:
- Name: The name of your store location.
- Location Type: The type of location (e.g., Retail Store, Warehouse).
- Location Code: A unique code assigned to the location on the Fynd platform for identification.
- Location ID: An identifier for internal use, distinguishing between different locations.
- City: The city where the store is located.
- Google Shopping Center Location Code: The specific code assigned by Google for the location.
- Quantity Buffer: A reserve quantity to avoid overselling.
- Status: Indicates whether the location is active or inactive.
- Action: Options to edit or delete the location.
Location Mapping
Map a selling location by entering its Google Shopping Center Location Code. Click the Edit button to make the necessary changes.
If GMC location code is not enabled, the status won't show as active.
Bulk Action Button
- Filter the location and download the respective CSV file containing all locations.
- Open the CSV file and add the ID of your GOOGLESHOPPINGCENTER locations in the GOOGLESHOPPINGCENTER Location Code column.
- In the Status column, input 'active' for locations you want to make available for selling or 'inactive' for dormant locations.
- Upload the updated CSV file with all required details.
- Click Save to apply the changes.
This feature helps sellers to associate the SKU of sellers’ Google Merchant Center (GMC) products with that of the products on the Fynd Platform.
Product Mapping
Map a product by entering its GMC SKU. Click the Edit button to make the necessary changes. This SKU you can get from your GMB account and map Google’s item_id in GMC SKU field.
Use the toggle button to activate or deactivate a product.
Bulk Upload
- Apply the provided filters and download a CSV file containing all products.
- Open the CSV file and add Google’s item_id in the GMC SKU column.
- In the Status column, enter 'active' for products you want to publish, or 'inactive' for products not going live.
- Upload the updated CSV file with all necessary details.
Manual Sync
The seller can view, download, or sync their inventory to the marketplace. In the manual sync option, you can access the following three tabs:
Inventory Report
Filter inventory sent logs using the provided date filter. It provides detailed insights, including the date, event, count, status, and action. The log entries will highlight instances when one or more location mappings are disabled from the extension. Sellers can also download these logs from the Action column.
Google Sync
All products mapped in the Products section are retrieved and automatically matched with the corresponding GMC SKU to automap the SKUs. Select the desired brands for which you want to enable automapping.
This feature enables the seller to initiate a force inventory operation, obtaining instant inventory updates specifically for the chosen brand and dates.
FP Sync
This function is used to manually synchronize both products and selling locations directly from the Fynd Platform.
Trace Report
Filter product or selling location logs using the provided filters. It provides detailed insights, including the date, event, seller identifier, GMC product ID, store code, marketplace location ID, price quantity and status. The log entries will highlight instances when there are updates in article quantities. Sellers can also export these logs.