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Custom Objects

How to access on Fynd Platform


Custom objects in Fynd allows seller to create unique data structures as needed, which may not exist in the platform. Sellers can create these custom data structures, allowing them to define the essential custom fields according to their preferences. These custom objects are introduced to address unique data requirements that fall outside the platform's standard features.

Here are a few examples of custom objects:

  1. Doctor Object:

    • Definition: Fields include name, specialization, contact, and clinic location.
    • Entries: Each entry represents a unique doctor with specific details. For example, Dr. Emily Johnson; Cardiology; Email:; Clinic: ABC Cardiac Care Center.
  2. Customer Reviews Object:

    • Definition: Fields include customer name, rating, review text, and date.
    • Entries: Each entry captures a customer's review and feedback for a product or service.

Sellers can create additional custom objects in the Fynd platform.

  1. In the Custom Data Settings page, under custom objects, click Create Custom Objects.
  2. Define the custom object by specifying its name and providing a description of the object.
  3. Create custom fields for the custom object by following the steps given in the custom fields section. This typically involves defining field names, types, and any necessary validation criteria.


Figure 1: Custom Data Settings Page

Custom Objects Data

How to access on Fynd Platform

Seller can add data to the custom object in the Fynd platform.

  1. On the Define Custom Object page, under the custom object entry, you will find all the newly created custom objects, as well as the custom fields and custom entries associated with each respective object.
  2. Go to the custom object and click Add Entry to create a new entry associated with that object.
  3. Provide details of the data entry by including following information:
    1. Entry Name: Specify a name for the entry.
    2. Number: Enter the numeric value for the entry, if applicable.
    3. Type: Define the data type or category of the entry (e.g., text, numeric, date).
    4. Description: Provide a brief description or additional information related to the entry.

With this release, we have exclusively enabled the storage of custom fields and custom objects data across different entities on the platform. The utilization and retrieval of this data can be implemented by respective partners or sellers. Comprehensive developer documentation is provided to guide the utilization for various purposes, catering to sellers, partners, or other services.